I have suffered from psoriasis for just on 23 years. Although not painful it was very itchy and often if I walked any more than 100 metres the sores started bleeding. The problem has also limited other aspects of my life such as playing cricket. Wearing some of the protective gear was nigh on impossible. Nothing I had tried in the past had given any significant long-term results and some of the medications had undesirable side affects. It was looking like this would be with me for life.

Eleven months ago I started on some of the Herbalife products: First F1 then after a few weeks included 3 and 5, Xtra Cal after 2 months and Herbalife line after 7 months. The sores began to clear leaving only red marks where they had once been, and these gradually disappeared also.
Today my skin shows little trace of the psoriasis and I have also lost 7 kilos .
Thank you Herbalife,
Dennis Auckland, New Zealand

 Down 2 dress sizes in 2 months, cleared skin completely
My name is Anne-Kit Littler.
 I am 45 years old, and I suffered from Acne Rosacea for 10 years prior to using Herbalife's nutrition products. The symptoms are: Thread veins and redness on cheeks, nose and chin; acne-like blisters all over. The cause of this condition is unknown and medical opinion holds it to be incurable.
Treatment to keep the symptoms down involved 2 doses of antibiotics per day, basically for the rest of my life. I was not happy about taking antibiotics every day and tried unsuccessfully to come off the medication several times. Within a week the symptoms had come back and I was back on antibiotics.
I started on the Herbalife Nutritional Programme in June 1999. My energy doubled within the first week and in just 2 months I lost 7 kg and 17 cm of body fat, or ‘middle-age spread'. I used to be a size 14, now I'm a perfect 10!
Three weeks into the programme and after gradually stepping down my skin medication I threw away the antibiotics altogether. The symptoms are gone and my skin has never looked better! I am now also using the amazing Herbalife Outer Nutrition range and see new improvements by the week …
 I am on Herbalife for life!

Severe acne and highly sensitive skin
Roger Schie - Victoria

"My skin problems started in 1989 whilst living in far north Queensland. I suddenly developed severe acne and highly sensitive skin on my face and neck, made worse by the intense humidity of that environment. The problem persisted over ten years and I often grew a beard to try and hide the acne and give the skin a break from shaving.
At times when I did shave, my skin was so inflamed and the acne so bad, my whole face looked red and sore. Over the years I had tried a range of products to clear my skin, but to no avail.

While attending Herbalife's Expo in Hawaii in 1999, we were shown photos of remarkable improvements in a variety of skin conditions, with the use of the Dermajetics skin care products. The pictures had shown a disappearance of acne, scarring and redness, as well as dramatic improvement in skin tone and elasticity and looked vibrant and fresh.” I was so impressed by these results that on my return home, I started using the Dermajetics Natures Mirror Hydrating System (cleanser, toner and moisturiser) morning and night. I had been using the Ultimate Nutritional Program and all the targeted products for a period of six months before including the Dermajetics products.
I found an immediate relief from the redness and sensitivity. Over the following month, I also added other products - Hydrating Mask, Mystic Mask and Herbal Aloe Soothing Gel to the skin care regime. I used the products regularly and consistently and, after three and a half months, you wouldn't even know I had had a skin problem. My face is clear of blemishes, my skin tone healthy and there is no scarring.

I am absolutely thrilled with the results of the Dermajetics skin care products and highly recommend them to all!"

PAUL BAYLISS - Adelaide South Australia.
"My skin specialist gave me a prescription for Efudix cream with instructions to put it on my face as a treatment for sun cancers. It was to be applied all over my face for two weeks.
The result was my face became blistered, cracked, weeping and very painful causing sleep difficulties"
One Week using Herbal Aloe Gel, then Skin Activator and Day Defence in the morning and Herbal Aloe Gel, Skin Activator and Night Companion at night.